Making a Difference

Making a difference is at the core of our business.

Wheelie Fantastic Cycle Tours started in 2011 with the vison of providing high quality cycling experiences for its customers and at the same time making a positive contribution to the environment, local community and people whose lives can be made better if they own a bike. We didn’t set out to be a logo collection business. Practical and real differences don’t always come with a logo as recognition; however, we realise they are also a quick way to let our customers know what we do or what we have been awarded. You will see some displayed on our website.

Making a Difference to Our Environment

Our commitment to helping improve our environment is demonstrated in a variety of ways. We aim to live and work in a way that reflects kaitiakitanga, honouring the privilege of being guardians of our little part of Aotearoa New Zealand. We value being part of this wonderful environment and fully align with the  Māori belief that our connection to mother earth (Papatūānuku) is essential to our own wellbeing

  • We have signed up to ‘Tiaki, New Zealand’
  • We have installed solar panels at our base, which generates more than enough energy to charge our E-bikes, run our office and bike store and send the surplus electricity back to the grid.
  • We run modern and efficient vehicles. Fuel consumption is our main impact on greenhouse gas emissions, so we are mindful about reducing this. We look forward to the day when our solar panels can generate the energy to charge up our vehicles.
  • We try to be less consumptive and what we need to purchase, we try to source locally and primarily New Zealand made, to reduce transport emissions and support local businesses. We encourage our customers to bring their own reusable water bottles and if we need to provide them, they will be made from durable non-plastic material that they can continue to use for many years after their cycle tour.
  • We donate to local organisations to help with local environmental restoration and conservation projects through the Tasman Environmental Trust such as the Moutere catchment restorative planting scheme. We have given over a small area of our land for native regenerative planting, which is also our small way of offsetting our carbon footprint. Native plants planted in the Moutere countryside Planting out native species 0n our property in the Upper Moutere area

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Making a Difference to Our Community

The team at Wheelie Fantastic all live in the area where we work. We are part of the community where we bring our guests to.

  • We support local and national organistaions, through annual donations.
  • We provide prizes for local events and fund-raising activities.
  • We join in with a local working bee group to help maintain the historical Settlers Cottage, which is in our neighbourhood and is visited by many of our guests.
  • We support local businesses and work closely with those who offer a range of services for our guests
  • Kids Can is one of our selected NZ charities, as we believe in helping young people attend and thrive in school.

Helping Bicycles Make a Difference to People’s Lives

A bicycle can provide a means of transport, which can transform a person’s life. We support World Bicycle Relief by making an annual donation, so that people in less developed parts of the world can get to school or take produce to market.

We also help people in our local community to reconnect with riding a bicycle. We freely offer our time to help those who ‘haven’t ridden a bike for years’. This helps some people be more active or leave the car at home for a short trip around the village. There is also a growing number of people who are finding they can connect with people in their local community through small group bike rides.

Some local charities who help lower income groups, look for reliable second-hand bikes. These bikes make a big difference to children getting to school, or adults commuting to work. We aim to support these groups by donating bikes whenever possible.

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If you become a customer, or have already been a customer of Wheelie Fantastic, rest assured you are a crucial part in helping us make a positive contribution to the environment, community and people.

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